10 golden rules for making a royal cappuccino

A perfect cappuccino is achieved by using a base of espresso coffee, a sufficient amount of frothed milk, and of course the barman’s skills. Before starting remember to prepare everything you need. The machine itself needs to be at the right pressure and temperature as recommended by the manufacturer, a rounded based ceramic cappuccino cup and a 500 ml stainless steel milk jug.

In the 500 ml stainless steel jug pour up to 250 ml of cold Reccappuccio milk (enough for 2 cappuccinos).

Hold the jug containing the milk and tilt it slightly in order to control the process.

The machines's nozzle must then be immersed just below the milk's surface and the steam outlet opened and brought to full pressure.

At this point, steam begin to transfer heat to the milk and “a vortex” is created at the surface. Thanks to the proteins contained in the milk, air is incorporated in fine bubbles creating the cream, allowing the generation and stability of the froth. At the same time, the barman must favor this phenomenon by holding the milk jug firmly with a fixed wrist and continue the process with small precise upward movements.

Throughout this phase a hand must be placed delicately on the side of the jug to check the milk's temperature. The process of creating a "vortex" to trap air and increaze the froth's volume is fundamental but the temperature must not exceed 55°C to avoid comprimising the nutritional properties of the milk itself.

After having reached the temperature of 55°C, close the steam and take the milk away from the machine’s nozzle to avoid that any puff could dissolve part of the cream obtained. At this point the jug is moved in rotational direction to favor the stabilization and the distribution of the froth.

Only after having completed the points above, proceed by pouring approximately 2.5 cl of espresso coffee in a cappuccino mug. It is always advisable to prepare the frothed milk first and then the coffee in order to preserve the characteristics of the coffee and allow the milk to rest for few seconds to let the foam obtained settle.

Always ask the customers if they would like additional cocoa. Cocoa powder can either be added directly to the espresso coffee itself or on top of the milk after having poured it.

Add the frothed milk in the cup. This operation should be carried out with a decisive movement of the wrist. Fill the cup with the cream paying attention not to overflow it and run down the sides... Now your Recappuccio is ready!